Les Résumés – RFE pancréatite aiguë grave ⚡️

Le résumé que vous attendiez: THE last RFE sur la pancréatite aiguë !
Si c’est pas beau ça.
Une nouveauté cette année: en plus de notre Biblio mensuelle (qui revient en force & sera bien plus mensuelle que vous ne le pensez): Les Résumés de l’AJAR Paris, eux aussi disponibles chaque mois, qui se présentent sous la forme d’une vignette courte et simplifiée sur les dernières recommandations d’un sujet donné accompagné d’un article récent sur le même topo. De quoi vous en mettre plein les yeux 🤩
On commence fort ce mois avec un résumé des dernières RFE de la SFAR sur la pancréatite aiguë grave de l’adulte en soins critiques, sorties à l’occasion du congrès du mois dernier. C’est du tout frais !
L’article proposé ce mois en lien avec ces RFE est paru dans le NEJM en Octobre 2021 dont on vous partage l’Abstract:
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2100826
Infected necrotizing pancreatitis is a potentially lethal disease that is treated with the use of a step-up approach, with catheter drainage often delayed until the infected necrosis is encapsulated. Whether outcomes could be improved by earlier catheter drainage is unknown.
We conducted a multicenter, randomized superiority trial involving patients with infected necrotizing pancreatitis, in which we compared immediate drainage within 24 hours after randomization once infected necrosis was diagnosed with drainage that was postponed until the stage of walled-off necrosis was reached. The primary end point was the score on the Comprehensive Complication Index, which incorporates all complications over the course of 6 months of follow-up.
A total of 104 patients were randomly assigned to immediate drainage (55 patients) or postponed drainage (49 patients). The mean score on the Comprehensive Complication Index (scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating more severe complications) was 57 in the immediate-drainage group and 58 in the postponed-drainage group (mean difference, −1; 95% confidence interval [CI], −12 to 10; P=0.90). Mortality was 13% in the immediate-drainage group and 10% in the postponed-drainage group (relative risk, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.42 to 3.68). The mean number of interventions (catheter drainage and necrosectomy) was 4.4 in the immediate-drainage group and 2.6 in the postponed-drainage group (mean difference, 1.8; 95% CI, 0.6 to 3.0). In the postponed-drainage group, 19 patients (39%) were treated conservatively with antibiotics and did not require drainage; 17 of these patients survived. The incidence of adverse events was similar in the two groups.
This trial did not show the superiority of immediate drainage over postponed drainage with regard to complications in patients with infected necrotizing pancreatitis. Patients randomly assigned to the postponed-drainage strategy received fewer invasive interventions.
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